Can My Dentist Tell If I Smoke?

Did you know that around 6 million adults in the UK are smokers? Moreover, over 5.1 million British adults use e-cigarettes for smoking. While smoking is known to affect one’s physical health, it has also been shown to have a detrimental effect on one’s oral health. So, if you’re worried that your dentist can tell if you smoke, yes, they can! 

But how can my dentist tell if I smoke? You may ask! You will find the answer to this question in this blog. So, read this blog till the end to learn more about smoking and its effect on your oral health. 

Can Smoking Affect My Mouth And Oral Health?

According to the Oral Health Foundation, smoking can directly affect one’s oral health. For example, persistent smoking can lead to various oral health-related complications such as teeth staining, bad breath gum disease, dry mouth, and even tooth loss. More importantly, studies have shown that smokers are at a higher risk of developing oral cancer than those who don’t smoke. 

Can A Dentist Tell If You Smoke Occasionally?

Smoking-related complications, such as teeth staining or gum disease, may not be visible in your mouth if you smoke occasionally. However, if you are a frequent smoker, there will be signs in your mouth from which your dentist can tell that you’re a habitual smoker. Two of the most oral health-related signs that can tell if you smoke are bad breath and yellow or brown staining of the teeth caused by tobacco.

Why Do Dentists Ask If You Smoke?

When you visit your dentist, they may ask if you are a smoker. This is because smokers are at higher risk of developing various dental complications like gum disease, dry mouth, or tooth loss than non-smokers. Furthermore, there is a higher risk of oral cancers among smokers. Therefore, dentists take additional care while examining the oral cavity of smokers to detect any underlying complications. 

What Can A Dentist Tell From Your Mouth?

Your dentist can tell a lot of things about your oral health, physical well-being, and habits just by looking at your teeth. For example, they can tell if you brush or floss your teeth regularly by the absence of gum swelling, teeth stains or plaque deposits on your teeth. Similarly, dentists can also detect various medical conditions by examining your teeth. In fact, dentists often detect developing medical issues during routine dental examinations. 

Can I Vape With Braces?

It is not recommended to vape with braces. This is because vaping can affect your gum health which directly influences the movement and realignment of your teeth. Hence, vaping may cause oral health complications that may slow down your treatment progress. 

How Can We Vape Without Getting A Dry Socket?

Dentists do not advise using a vape after getting a tooth extracted. This is because vaping can cause a condition called dry socket. In this condition, a good-quality blood clot fails to form inside the extracted tooth socket, thereby delaying healing. 

But what is the link between vaping and dry sockets? According to Healthline, nicotine in vape formulas restricts blood flow to the extraction socket, increasing the risk of a dry socket. Besides, there are various toxins in vaping formulas that significantly increase your risk of this complication. So, it is not recommended to use a vape after having one’s tooth extracted. 

Why Does Vaping Cause Bad/Sour Breath?

Some ingredients of vape formulas, such as propylene glycol, can cause a condition called dry mouth. In this condition, there is a reduced flow or production of the saliva resulting in incomplete cleaning of the oral cavity. As a result, plaque and tartar deposits form on the teeth which can lead to bad breath and other complications such as gum disease

How Can Dry Mouth Affect Your Oral Health?

One of the functions of saliva is to bathe our teeth and clean them. Frequent vaping or smoking restricts the production or flow of saliva, resulting in plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth. These deposits can cause various complications such as gum disease, bad breath, and even tooth loss. 

Can A Heavy Smoker Do A Dental Implant?

Heavy smokers have a higher risk of developing gum disease than non-smokers. In the advanced stages of gum disease, there is extensive bone loss in the jaws. Since the success of implant therapy is directly dependent on the quality and volume of the available jawbone, smokers tend to have a higher risk of implant failures than non-smokers. 

If smokers need a tooth implant, they should cut down on their habit and ensure optimal oral hygiene for some time to allow for the healing of the damaged tissues. Once optimal healing has taken place, their dentist will proceed with the implant placement procedure. However, smoking should be avoided even after implant placement as it can hamper the healing process.  

Why Doesn’t Smoking Affect Celebrities’ Teeth?

Vaping can cause inflammation of the gums and teeth staining, even in celebrities. However, these signs are not visible in celebrities because they mask these defects with cosmetic dental treatment. But one thing that should be kept in mind is that this type of cosmetic dental treatment is not the solution. It will only mask the issue. In fact, cosmetic dental treatment should not be done when someone is suffering from gum disease. So, the best solution is to restrict the habit of smoking or vaping. 

If you are concerned about your oral health due to smoking and are looking for the best dentist in Essex, your best option is to visit Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre. We offer the highest-quality services to our esteemed patients. Whether you have teeth stains or bad breath due to smoking, our experienced dentists will take care of it. So, click here to make an enquiry and let us take care of the rest. 

Banish The Worry – Helping You Stay Calm At The Dentist

Have you been postponing your dental checkup visits? Does the mere thought of visiting a dentist sends chills down your spine? Would you rather bear excruciating toothache than seek dental treatment? If the answer to these questions is a yes, then you are suffering from dental anxiety. But you’re not alone! Statistics show that over 53% of Britishers have some form of dental phobia. 

But, here is the good news; regardless of your type and degree of dental anxiety, it is manageable! This blog offers practical solutions to help you get rid of your dental fears and enjoy a healthy, lasting, and beautiful smile. So, continue reading to find out!

What Is Dental Anxiety?

Dental anxiety refers to the fealing of uneasiness or anxiousness whenever one has to undergo dental treatment. For some people, the anxiety is so severe that they cannot even step their feet into the dentist’s office. 

Why Are Many People Afraid Of Going To A Dentist?

Dental anxiety and phobia can be of different types. For some people, fear of dental treatment stems from a previous painful or bad experience. Some are afraid that dental treatment will be painful or the anaesthesia won’t work, while others are afraid of the sound of dental needles or the sound of the dental drill. So, dentists have to manage each patient’s apprehensions and anxiety according to the underlying cause. 

How Do Dentists Cope With Patients That Are Anxious Or Phobic?

Dentists have several tools under their belts to manage apprehensive or anxious patients. The first thing dentists do is have a frank conversation with their patients to identify the underlying cause. Once they know the root cause, they will take measures to eliminate it. 

For example, if a patient feels that they don’t have any control during their treatment, dentists will use a technique called “tell, show, do”. In this technique, they will avoid any sudden movements and before performing any procedure, they will explain it to the patient and show how its done. In this way, there are no surprises for the patients that may make them anxious. 

In other cases, dentists divert the attention of their patients by asking them to listen to their favourite music, or watch a movie while treatment is being done. Again, this helps the patient relax and foget about their treatment. 

Another option available to dentists is sedation dentistry, which involves the administration of a medicament – through inhalation, orally, or intravenously – to make them drowsy but conscious enough to respond to the dentist’s instructions. 

How Do You Talk To Your Dentist About Dental Anxiety?

As a patient, you should understand that your dentist is there to allay your fears and make you comfortable and relaxed during treatment. Therefore, you should discuss all your worries and apprehensions frankly with them. In this way, your dentist will be able to find a solution and help you relax while they are looking after your dental health. 

Do Doctors And Dentists Hate To See Anxious Patients?

Dentists love their patients! They want to help you enjoy perfect oral health and a beautiful, attractive, charming smile. So, there is no way dentists hate anxious patients. In fact, they are even more helpful and courteous to apprehensive patients as they want to ensure they enjoy the same perfect oral health as patients without dental anxieties. 

How Can You Not Be Scared To Go To The Dentist?

The best way to overcome dental fears is to talk to your dentist. Depending on the causes of your dental anxiety, they may suggest corrective strategies such as sedation dentistry or cognitive behavioural therapy. But, first, you must trust that your dentist has your best interest at heart, and they will do everything to ensure that you remain pain-free and relaxed when you visit them. 

How Do You Combat Nerves Before Visiting The Dentist?

If you feel anxious about going to the dentist, you may ask them to prescribe you an oral medication to calm your nerves. You should take medicine the night before your visit and then half an hour before your appointment. This way, you will feel much more relaxed at the dentist’s office. 

What Are My Options If I’m Terrified Of The Dentist?

Several options are available to eliminate your fear of dental treatment. For example, you could ask your dentist to perform the treatment under sedation. Alternatively, you may distract yourself by listening to music or enjoying a movie during your treatment. 

How Can I Overcome My Fear Of Going To The Dentist?

The first step in overcoming your dental fears is realising that the dentist is your friend, and they are there to help. You should discuss your concerns with them openly, so they can suggest a suitable option to say goodbye to your dental worries. Another thing is realising that dentistry has come a long way! Today, there are potent anaesthetics available that will ensure complete pain relief. Besides, sedation dentistry has made things really easy for individuals who fear dental treatment. 

How To Deal With Anxiety Regarding Daily Oral And Dental Care?

Some people have anxiety while performing routine oral hygiene procedures like brushing and flossing. If you are one of them, no need to worry; there are ways to eliminate your anxiety. First, you should brush your teeth when you feel most relaxed during the day. Alternatively, you may brush your teeth with a loved one or family member. This will help you distract  yourself from your worries. 

How To Get Over My Fear Of Being Judged If I Go To The Dentist?

Dentists are trained NOT to judge any patient based on their oral hygiene status or dental anxiety levels. So, you don’t have to worry; your dentist will not judge you. In fact, they will commend you that you mustered the courage to overcome your fears and sought dental help. 

If you are looking for a gentle-dental office in Hornchurch, then Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre should be your first choice. Why? Because we offer high-quality, gentle-dental services to our patients in a relaxed and comforting environment. Besides, our dentists are trained to treat anxious and apprehensive patients. So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment today and say goodbye to your dental fears!