What Are The Advantages Of Fixed Orthodontic Appliances? And How Different Options Can Improve Your Smile

Many people require orthodontic treatment to realign their teeth at some point in their lives. Thanks to modern dentistry, there are numerous orthodontic appliances available these days that one can choose from. So, if your dentist has just informed you that you need orthodontic treatment, you might be confused between the numerous available options. But don’t worry; this blog explains different orthodontic treatment options in detail so that you can make an informed decision regarding your treatment. So, continue reading to learn more about orthodontic appliances. 

What Are The Benefits Of Orthodontic Braces?

Dental braces among the reliable and time-tested options for straightening crooked teeth. Despite their disadvantage of being uncomfortable and conspicuous, they do offer certain advantages. These include:

  • Versatility – dental braces can be used to treat even the most complex orthodontic problems that are not treatable with other options. 
  • Cost-effective – dental braces are cost-effective compared to removable clear aligners. 
  • Simplicitytreatment with braces is relatively more straightforward and can be provided by all dentists, including general dentists

What Are The Benefits Of Using Retainers Instead Of Braces?

When we compare retainers (clear aligners) with braces, it becomes evident that clear aligners offer several advantages.

  1. For example, clear aligners are inconspicuous. Hence, you can wear them to a meeting, interview, presentation, or even a date without worrying about them being visible or affecting your smile.
  2. Secondly, invisible aligners are made of flexible polymer, which makes them much more comfortable than traditional fixed braces. Clear aligners also allow you to eat all your favorite foods.
  3. Finally, clear aligners, being removable, allow you to maintain optimal oral health. 

Can Wearing Braces Benefit Your Long-Term Dental Health?

The purpose of wearing braces is to align one’s teeth. This is done for various purposes. First, properly aligned teeth optimize one’s smile and facial aesthetics. Secondly, when teeth are aligned, they allow us to chew and digest our food properly, thereby helping in improving our physical health. Finally, optimally aligned teeth with braces allow one to maintain good oral hygiene. So, wearing braces can have a significant beneficial effect on one’s oral health and physical well-being. 

What Are The Benefits Of Braces For Kids?

Dentists worldwide recommend that if a child needs orthodontic treatment, it should begin at an early age – as soon as all their permanent teeth have come out. This ensures that kids retain their pearly white smile and their teeth remain cavity-free. Furthermore, there are significantly lesser chances of gum disease when the teeth have been aligned at an early age. So, it is always beneficial to get children’s teeth straightened in their early years. 

What Are The Long-Term Disadvantages Of Having Braces?

Like all other dental treatment options, dental braces have their merits and demerits. While we have already discussed the long-term benefits of braces on one’s oral health, there are certain long-term drawbacks of dental braces as well. These are:

  • Tooth Decay – teeth cleaning becomes quite challenging with braces. This is because food particles tend to stick around the braces and are difficult to remove. This leads to plaque and tartar decay around the brackets, increasing the risk of tooth decay
  • Gum Disease – difficult cleaning around braces also increases the risk of gum disease significantly, if optimal oral hygiene is not maintained. 
  • Bad Breathfood impaction around dental brackets can lead to bad breath. 

Will Ceramic Braces Give Me The Same Results As Metal Braces?

Ceramic braces have the same shape and design as metal braces. However, the only difference is that they are made of tooth-coloured ceramics. So essentially, ceramic braces will give the same results as traditional fixed metal braces. But, there are certain cases that may not be treatable with ceramic-based braces. Furthermore, ceramic braces are not recommended for individuals who grind their teeth as it can lead to the wear of the opposing teeth. But, overall, you can expect the same treatment outcome with ceramic braces as with traditional metal-based dental brackets. 

Are Damon Braces And Ceramic Braces The Same Thing?

Although the outcome of both ceramic and Damon braces is the same – to align the teeth – they work differently. Damon braces are available in both metal and ceramic materials. On the other hand, ceramic braces are made of tooth-coloured ceramic. Furthermore, Damon braces are self-ligating. This means that they don’t require elastic bands to hold them in place. They also don’t need frequent tightening. Furthermore, clear Damon braces are made of a transparent material, which makes them virtually invisible. So, Damon braces, in addition to being more convenient, also offer better aesthetics (Clear braces). However, not everyone is a candidate for Damon or ceramic braces. Your dentist will perform a detailed clinical examination to identify the underlying cause and your treatment needs and then advise a suitable treatment option. 

If you have been putting off your orthodontic treatment because you don’t want to wear those uncomfortable and conspicuous metal braces, here is your chance to get your teeth straightened quickly, comfortably, and inconspicuously. At Harrow Dental, we offer our patients a wide range of orthodontic treatment options, including ceramic, lingual, and Damon braces and Invisalign clear aligners. Furthermore, we have a team of highly qualified orthodontists. So, you can rest assured that you are in safe and capable hands with us. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let us help you with any orthodontic concerns, contact us today to take your first step towards your dream smile. 

Can Dentures Be Fitted To Receding Gums? And Other Tooth Replacement Questions Answered

Removable dentures are one of the most commonly used options for replacing missing natural teeth. If your dentist has recently suggested removable dentures for tooth replacement, you will surely have questions about this treatment option. In this regard, one of the most frequently asked questions about removable dentures is whether they can be used with receding gums. If you are also looking for an answer to this question, you have come to the right place. So, read on to find out the answer to this question so that you can make an informed decision about this tooth replacement option. 

Receding Gums: Causes And Treatment Options?

Gum recession is a pathological process in which the gums start to move away from their normal attachment position on the teeth. Gum recession can occur due to a variety of reasons. Some of these are given below:


  • Gum Disease – the harmful bacteria inside inflamed gums release toxins that irritate the gums. This results in the movement of the gums away from their normal position. 
  • Physical Irritation – physical factors such as using excessive force during brushing or too much use of toothpicks can also cause gum recession. 
  • Overhanging Restoration – if a filling overhangs and touches the gum tissues, it can cause irritation and recession of the gums. 
  • Trauma – an accidental injury to the gums can also cause their recession. 


Which Is Better, An Implant Or A Bridge, If You Have Poor Gums?

Dental professionals recommend against getting any type of tooth replacement while there is underlying gum inflammation. This is because dental bridges are dependent on the supporting healthy teeth for their support. If there is gum disease, the teeth may already be mobile resulting in the pre-mature dislodgment of the bridge. Similarly, dental implants rely on the health of the bone tissue for the support. Again, if there is gum disease, it may have already caused extensive bone tissue damage. Hence, dentists always treat gum disease before considering any type of tooth replacement. 

What Causes Receding Gums On One Tooth?

Typically, gum recession occurs on all the teeth. However, there are certain cases when it can also occur in isolated teeth. Some of the reasons for isolated gum recession are:

  • Trauma to the affected tooth 
  • Misaligned tooth which receives excessive force during brushing 
  • Using too much toothpick 

Regardless of the location of gum recession, it should never be taken lightly and immediate dental assistance shoul be sought. 

What’s The Best Solution For Teeth Gap And Receding Gums?

Teeth gaps and receding gums are two separate issues. Teeth gaps typically appear when there is excess space in the jaws than needed for accommodating all the teeth in alignment. Alternatively, if a tooth is lost prematurely, the neighbouring teeth move towards the vacant space, creating extra spacing between all the teeth. Regarding the solution of teeth gaps, dentists utilise various options. These are:

For receding gums, the following options are available:

  • Periodontal therapy, including scaling and root planning
  • Gum grafting 

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Fix Receding Gums?

Cosmetic dentistry can help in restoring the aesthetic flaws caused by gum recession. However, other procedures need to be performed to treat the underlying cause. For example, if gum recession is because of periodontal inflammation, your dentist will remove the plaque and tartar deposits through scaling and planning and then treat the cosmetic issue. In some cases, treatment of the underlying issues restores gum health and attachment. On the other hand, when there is severe gum recession, a gum grafting procedure is performed to correct the optimal length of the gums.

Can Fake Teeth Chew Just As Good As Real Teeth?

There is nothing as good as one’s natural teeth. However, this does not mean tooth replacement options do not restore one’s ability to chew food. Instead, it depends on the type of tooth replacement. For example, removable dentures, especially complete dentures, rely solely on the underlying bone and soft tissues for their support and retention. Hence, they do not effectively restore one’s ability to chew food. On the other hand, dental implants are inserted directly into the jawbone, like natural teeth. Hence, they optimally restore one’s ability to chew food efficiently. In fact, dental implants are the next best thing for your natural teeth

What Happens If Your Gums Recede Too Far?

The most significant complication of gum recession is the exposure of the tooth roots, which are more vulnerable to sensitivity and decay than the tooth crowns. So, if the gums recede too far, it can cause root sensitivity and decay. 

Will My Teeth Fall Out From Receding Gums?

Gum recession is an indication of underlying gum disease. In the advanced stages of gum disease, there is extensive bone loss, resulting in the teeth becoming loose in their sockets. If this condition is not corrected in a timely manner, the teeth may start falling off. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Having Dentures?

Like all tooth replacement options, removable dentures have their own merits and demerits. These are:


Pros of Dentures


      • Cost-effective 
      • Simple fabrication technique 
      • Repairable can be used to replace single, multiple, or all missing teeth 

Cons of Dentures


    • Service life is limited 
    • Can fracture easily if dropped 
    • Can get warped if exposed to sudden extreme temperature changes

Finding an excellent removable denture specialist in your area can be difficult. But, if you reside in Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Practice is the best place to visit. Whether you need removable dentures or teeth whitening for your stained teeth, we provide all the services under one roof. So, contact us today and request an appointment so that we can give you a healthy, lasting, and adorable smile. 

Dentures Vs Implants – Choosing The Best Tooth Replacement Option For You

Tooth loss is a global problem that affects people of ages and walks of life. It has been estimated that every British adult has at least 6 missing teeth in their mouths – and this number is increasing at an alarming rate. So, with the demand for tooth replacement options increasing in the UK, which option should one select? If you search the internet or ask a dentist, you will find that removable dentures and implants are among the most commonly used options for replacing missing teeth. 

But, the next question that may come to your mind would be, “ which is better: implants or dentures?” if you are looking for an answer to this question, you have come to the right place. This blog provides a comparative overview of removable dentures and implants so that you can make an informed decision about replacing your missing teeth. So, continue reading to find out more. 

What Are Dental Dentures?

A denture is a removable appliance used to replace one or more teeth. Removable dentures gain support from adjacent healthy teeth, underlying soft tissues, and jaw bones. A denture that replaces one or more teeth is called a partial denture. These dentures possess metallic extensions called clasps that encircle the supporting teeth and provide retention. On the other hand, dentures used to replace all missing teeth in a jaw are called complete dentures. These dentures rely solely on the underlying soft tissue and jawbone contour for their retention and support. 

What Is The Difference Between Dental Implants And Dentures?

As discussed earlier, a denture is a removable appliance that rests on the oral soft tissues and jawbone, gains support from the neighbouring teeth, and is used for tooth replacement. On the other hand, an implant is a screw-shaped fixture inserted directly into the jawbone like natural teeth, and it serves as a replacement root. Once the implant becomes fully anchored in the bone, a suitable prosthesis is attached to complete the artificial tooth structure. So, the main difference between a denture and an implant is that one is a removable prosthesis while the other remains fixed within the bone. 

Are Dentures Better Or Worse Than Implants?

Removable dentures are a time-tested and cost-effective option for replacing missing teeth. However, they also possess certain drawbacks compared to implants. For example, removable dentures do not restore sufficient chewing and speech efficiency compared to implants. Similarly, dentures have a limited lifespan and can break easily if dropped. Finally, materials leaching out of dentures may cause allergies or other adverse reactions. Hence, implant-supported teeth are better and longer-lasting than dentures. 

Why Would Someone Choose Dentures Over Bridges Or Implants?

When choosing between implants and dentures, dental implants are an obvious choice. However, there are two instances when one may have to go for dentures instead of implants. First, when one is not eligible to get implants, such as those with a history of cancer radiotherapy in the region or bisphosphonate use. The second case is when one cannot afford the higher cost of implant therapy. Other than that, dental implants are always the first choice whenever tooth replacement is considered. 

What’s Better, Dental Implant Or a Partial Denture?

If you are looking for a tooth replacement option for one or more missing natural teeth, dental implants are the best option. Why? Because they are durable, safe, and restore one’s ability to eat and speak without difficulty. In fact, dental implants can be regarded as the next best thing to one’s own teeth. So, when choosing between a partial denture or an implant-supported prosthesis, dental implants should always be your first choice. 

Are Dental Implants The Same As Bridges And Dentures?

No. Although the function of dental implants is the same as bridges and dentures – to replace missing teeth – implants work differently. Removable dentures rest on oral tissues and gain support from the adjacent teeth. Similarly, bridges are fixed prostheses that derive support from adjacent healthy teeth. On the other hand, dental implants are embedded into the jawbone like natural teeth. Hence, they offer the best aesthetics and function among all tooth replacement options. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Snap-On Dentures?

Snap-on dentures are also known as implant-supported dentures. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of these dentures are discussed below. 

Pros of Snap-on Dentures 

  • Excellent esthetics
  • Lifelong durability 
  • Optimal oral hygiene maintenance 
  • Optimal restoration of one’s ability to eat and speak 

Cons of Snap-on Dentures 

  • High treatment cost 
  • Extreme surgical skill and precision required for successful tooth replacement with snap-on dentures

Can You Get Implants After Having Dentures For Years?

Technically, it is possible to get implants after having dentures for many years. However, when dentures are worn long-term, they tend to exert pressure on the underlying jawbone and oral tissues, causing bone resorption. As a result, the bone becomes brittle and is insufficient to support the implants. In these cases, dentists have to restore optimal bone volume through bone grafting. So, it is advisable to consider dental implants for long-term tooth replacement. 

What Are Implant Retained Dentures?

An implant retained denture is one that is supported by dental implants. Conventionally, removable dentures are supported by the adjacent supporting teeth and the underlying jawbone and tissues. However, implant-retained dentures supported by one or more dental implants, depending on the number of missing teeth. 

Are you fed up with your existing dentures and would like to enjoy the comfort and convenience of dental implants? Head on to Harrow Dental Practice in Hornchurch. So, book an appointment today and walk away with a beautiful and lasting smile with implants. 

Dental Bonding Vs. Veneers

Are you feeling self-conscious because of stained or chipped teeth? Do you wish to enjoy a beautiful and lasting smile? If the answer to these questions is a yes, then the solution to all your problems lies in cosmetic dentistry. 

But, what would be the best cosmetic dentistry solution for fixing your damaged teeth? you may ask. The two most commonly used aesthetic dentistry options are dental veneers and teeth bonding. While these options are used for the same purpose, they differ from each other in many ways. So, how to choose between dental veneers and cosmetic bonding? This blog will help you decide! This blog explains everything you need to know about dental bonding and veneers, so that you can make an informed decision regarding your treatment. So, read on!

Should I Get Dental Veneers Or Dental Bonding?

To decide whether to go for dental bonding or veneers, one must first understand what these restorative options are. Dental bonding refers to a process of using a tooth-coloured, resin-based filling material to restore the structure, and aesthetics of damaged teeth. Bonded fillings are also called direct restorations, meaning that they are applied directly to teeth at the dental chairside. On the other hand, a veneer is a wafer-thin shell made of porcelain or composite resins that is fabricated in the dental laboratory and then bonded to the prepared teeth using adhesive. 

So, now we answer the question about whether to choose veneers or bonding for restoring your teeth. The answer is simple: since dental veneers are prepared in the laboratory, they possess fewer structural and aesthetic defects than composite fillings. Hence, veneers possess superior aesthetics and are longer lasting. However, they are more expensive than bonded fillings. 

Are Veneers Better Than Teeth Bonding?

Yes, veneers are better the bonded fillings in many aspects. First, veneers possess superior stain-resistance than composites. Therefore, they retain their aesthetics for a longer duration. Similarly, veneers, especially porcelain veneers are much stronger and durable than bonded restorations. So, if you are looking for excellent aesthetics and durability, veneers should be your choice over composites. 

Can Dental Bonding Be Whitened?

Despite the good aesthetics of bonded restorations, one of their drawbacks is that they cannot be whitened through conventional teeth whitening procedures. This is because unlike a tooth surface that is porous, and is amenable to whitening with a bleaching agent, the surface of bonded restorations is not affected by the bleaching agents. Hence, the only solution to whiten a bonded filling is to repair it or replace it entirely. 

Can Dental Veneers Be Whitened?

Like bonded fillings, composite- or porcelain-based veneers cannot be whitened, as the bleaching formula is ineffective on them. So, the only option to restore the aesthetics is to replace them. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Dental Bonding?

Here are some of the pros and cons of dental bonding:

Pros of Dental Bonding 

  • Natural aesthetics – the shade and colour of bonded restorations can be precisely matched with the adjacent natural teeth. 
  • Cost-effective – composite bonded fillings are more cost-effective than veneers. 
  • Safety – composite restorations are safe and do not cause any untoward reaction in the oral cavity. 

Cons of Dental Bonding 

  • Composite fillings get stained pretty easily 
  • Less durable than veneers 

Can Dental Composite Bonding Cover Severe Fluorosis?

Fluorosis is when the dental enamel is damaged due to excessive fluoride intake during tooth development. Teeth affected with fluorosis typically have a mottled appearance and brownish shade. Unfortunately, such staining is very hard to remove with conventional teeth whitening. Therefore, the only solution for the aesthetic restoration of fluorosis-affected teeth is to composite fillings or veneers over them. 

Is Tooth Bonding Safe And Permanent?

Like all dental restorations and prostheses, bonding is not permanent. The restoration starts to degrade mechanically and stains over time. As a result, they should either be repaired or replaced when needed. Typically, bonded restorations last for about 5 years, longer if they are looked after properly through oral hygiene maintenance and regular dental checkups

Do Composite Veneers Ruin Your Teeth?

It is a common misconception that composite veneers damage the teeth. This is not correct; the fact is that, although a thin layer of the enamel is removed from the teeth to accommodate the veneers, this layer is so thin that it does not weaken the teeth or make them sensitive or cavity-prone. Hence, composite veneers do not damage one’s teeth if designed and bonded by an experienced cosmetic dentist

What Are The Reasons Why Dental Bonding Is Worth It?

If you are thinking of getting your crooked or damaged teeth restored with dental bonding, here are some benefits of this procedure that will help you decide in their favour:

  1. Cost-effective – compared with veneers and dental crowns, dental bonding is cost-effective. 
  2. Aesthetics – your dentist can easily match the shade and colour of your bonded restoration with your natural teeth. As a result, your bonded restorations will become virtually indistinguishable from your teeth. So, bonded restorations improve one’s smile and boost self-confidence. 
  3. Repairability – even if bonded restorations get chipped or stained, they can be easily repaired in most cases. Alternatively, restorations can be replaced without damaging the underlying tooth structure. 

Dental bondings are an excellent restorative option provided they are placed by an experienced and qualified cosmetic dentist. If you live in Hornchurch, Essex, or the suburbs, your best option is to visit Harrow Dental Practice, where we provide all dental services at affordable rates under one roof. So, contact us today to book your appointment and let us give you a smile that you genuinely deserve. 

Banish The Worry – Helping You Stay Calm At The Dentist

Have you been postponing your dental checkup visits? Does the mere thought of visiting a dentist sends chills down your spine? Would you rather bear excruciating toothache than seek dental treatment? If the answer to these questions is a yes, then you are suffering from dental anxiety. But you’re not alone! Statistics show that over 53% of Britishers have some form of dental phobia. 

But, here is the good news; regardless of your type and degree of dental anxiety, it is manageable! This blog offers practical solutions to help you get rid of your dental fears and enjoy a healthy, lasting, and beautiful smile. So, continue reading to find out!

What Is Dental Anxiety?

Dental anxiety refers to the fealing of uneasiness or anxiousness whenever one has to undergo dental treatment. For some people, the anxiety is so severe that they cannot even step their feet into the dentist’s office. 

Why Are Many People Afraid Of Going To A Dentist?

Dental anxiety and phobia can be of different types. For some people, fear of dental treatment stems from a previous painful or bad experience. Some are afraid that dental treatment will be painful or the anaesthesia won’t work, while others are afraid of the sound of dental needles or the sound of the dental drill. So, dentists have to manage each patient’s apprehensions and anxiety according to the underlying cause. 

How Do Dentists Cope With Patients That Are Anxious Or Phobic?

Dentists have several tools under their belts to manage apprehensive or anxious patients. The first thing dentists do is have a frank conversation with their patients to identify the underlying cause. Once they know the root cause, they will take measures to eliminate it. 

For example, if a patient feels that they don’t have any control during their treatment, dentists will use a technique called “tell, show, do”. In this technique, they will avoid any sudden movements and before performing any procedure, they will explain it to the patient and show how its done. In this way, there are no surprises for the patients that may make them anxious. 

In other cases, dentists divert the attention of their patients by asking them to listen to their favourite music, or watch a movie while treatment is being done. Again, this helps the patient relax and foget about their treatment. 

Another option available to dentists is sedation dentistry, which involves the administration of a medicament – through inhalation, orally, or intravenously – to make them drowsy but conscious enough to respond to the dentist’s instructions. 

How Do You Talk To Your Dentist About Dental Anxiety?

As a patient, you should understand that your dentist is there to allay your fears and make you comfortable and relaxed during treatment. Therefore, you should discuss all your worries and apprehensions frankly with them. In this way, your dentist will be able to find a solution and help you relax while they are looking after your dental health. 

Do Doctors And Dentists Hate To See Anxious Patients?

Dentists love their patients! They want to help you enjoy perfect oral health and a beautiful, attractive, charming smile. So, there is no way dentists hate anxious patients. In fact, they are even more helpful and courteous to apprehensive patients as they want to ensure they enjoy the same perfect oral health as patients without dental anxieties. 

How Can You Not Be Scared To Go To The Dentist?

The best way to overcome dental fears is to talk to your dentist. Depending on the causes of your dental anxiety, they may suggest corrective strategies such as sedation dentistry or cognitive behavioural therapy. But, first, you must trust that your dentist has your best interest at heart, and they will do everything to ensure that you remain pain-free and relaxed when you visit them. 

How Do You Combat Nerves Before Visiting The Dentist?

If you feel anxious about going to the dentist, you may ask them to prescribe you an oral medication to calm your nerves. You should take medicine the night before your visit and then half an hour before your appointment. This way, you will feel much more relaxed at the dentist’s office. 

What Are My Options If I’m Terrified Of The Dentist?

Several options are available to eliminate your fear of dental treatment. For example, you could ask your dentist to perform the treatment under sedation. Alternatively, you may distract yourself by listening to music or enjoying a movie during your treatment. 

How Can I Overcome My Fear Of Going To The Dentist?

The first step in overcoming your dental fears is realising that the dentist is your friend, and they are there to help. You should discuss your concerns with them openly, so they can suggest a suitable option to say goodbye to your dental worries. Another thing is realising that dentistry has come a long way! Today, there are potent anaesthetics available that will ensure complete pain relief. Besides, sedation dentistry has made things really easy for individuals who fear dental treatment. 

How To Deal With Anxiety Regarding Daily Oral And Dental Care?

Some people have anxiety while performing routine oral hygiene procedures like brushing and flossing. If you are one of them, no need to worry; there are ways to eliminate your anxiety. First, you should brush your teeth when you feel most relaxed during the day. Alternatively, you may brush your teeth with a loved one or family member. This will help you distract  yourself from your worries. 

How To Get Over My Fear Of Being Judged If I Go To The Dentist?

Dentists are trained NOT to judge any patient based on their oral hygiene status or dental anxiety levels. So, you don’t have to worry; your dentist will not judge you. In fact, they will commend you that you mustered the courage to overcome your fears and sought dental help. 

If you are looking for a gentle-dental office in Hornchurch, then Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre should be your first choice. Why? Because we offer high-quality, gentle-dental services to our patients in a relaxed and comforting environment. Besides, our dentists are trained to treat anxious and apprehensive patients. So, what are you waiting for? Book an appointment today and say goodbye to your dental fears!

Composite Bonding For Teeth – Everything You Need To Know

Composite bonding is one of the routinely performed dental procedures worldwide. Whether you are unhappy with the colour of your teeth, or you wish to get rid of your chipped or crooked teeth, cosmetic bonding is the solution to virtually all restorative and cosmetic dental problems. 

If the appearance, shape, or colour of your teeth makes you unhappy, this article is for you as we explain everything you need to know about composite restorations. So, continue reading to find out how composite bonding can help you achieve an attractive and confident smile. 

What Is Composite Teeth Bonding?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, bonding is a cosmetic procedure in which your dentist will place a tooth-coloured, resin-based filling material on your teeth to fix various restorative and cosmetic dental issues. Some of the dental problems that can be fixed with bonded restorations include:

  1. Permanently discoloured teeth 
  2. Chipped or cracked teeth 
  3. Congenitally de-shaped teeth 
  4. Restoration of teeth after removal of tooth decay 
  5. To cosmetically fix mild to moderate cases of dental overcrowding 
  6. To cosmetically restore mild case of teeth gaps 

Can Bonded Teeth Be Whitened?

A common question that dental patients ask is whether bonded restorations can be whitened like natural teeth. Unfortunately, it is not possible to whiten bonded restorations using bleaching agents. In cases where bonded restorations get stained or discoloured, the only option is to either repair them with a fresh layer of composite resins, or to replace them altogether. 

Can I Get Dental Bonding Instead Of Braces?

There are certain cases where dental bonding may be used as a “cosmetic alternative” to orthodontic treatment. For example, if someone has mild tooth crowding, misalignment, or teeth gaps and they don’t want to get braces for treatment, their dentist may use bonded restorations to treat the cosmetic issue caused by these conditions. However, it must be noted that bonded fillings will only improve the aesthetics and will not address the underlying issue. Therefore, the ideal treatment option for orthodontic problems is braces or Invisalign aligners, which completely eliminate the underlying problem. 

Should I Get Dental Veneers Or Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding and veneers are excellent options for fixing various restorative and cosmetic tooth defects. Likewise, both have their own merits and demerits. Dental bonding is a single visit procedure that does not require extensive removal of the healthy tooth structure. On the other hand, porcelain veneers require at least 2-3 visits and require tooth preparation for their bonding to the teeth. Furthermore, dental veneers are more expensive than composite bonding. At the same time, if we compare the longevity of both, veneers are stronger and longer-lasting. So, if you are looking for a cost-effective and quick restorative option, bonding should be your choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for a long-term and aesthetically pleasing solution, you should consider veneers. 

Can Dental Bonding Be Added To The Back Of Front Teeth?

Yes, dental bonding can be applied on any tooth surface. The reason is that dental bonding, as its name suggests, bonds directly to the tooth structure. So, no matter what tooth surface is damaged, it can be restored with composite fillings. On the other hand, dental veneers are only applied to the front surfaces of the teeth. 

How Long Do Composite Fillings Take To Set?

Composite restorations are based on polymeric resins. After applying a composite material layer to the tooth, your dentist will use a special light to polymerise the material and harden it. In this way, dentists apply increments of composite resins and harden them to obtain the desired tooth shape and aesthetics. So, the composite resin filling set. However, although the setting reaction of composite restorations starts immediately, it may take up to 24 hours for them to harden completely. 

Can Dental Composite Bonding Cover Severe Fluorosis?

Dental fluorosis is when the teeth appear permanently discoloured due to excessive exposure to fluoride during childhood. In this condition, faint white or yellow lines appear on the teeth, and the dental enamel is considerably weaker and less resistant to tooth decay. 

The discolouration in such teeth cannot be removed through professional teeth whitening. Therefore, the only option to restore their aesthetics is to apply tooth-coloured composite restorations, porcelain veneers, or crowns over them. In fact, dental bonding is one of the commonly used restorative and cosmetic procedures for the aesthetic treatment of tooth discolouration caused by dental fluorosis. 

Is Tooth Bonding Safe And Permanent?

Composite restorations are based on polymeric resins, which are harmless and do not cause any adverse effects in the oral cavity. This is also why dentists recommend getting composite restorations instead of silver amalgam fillings that are known to cause adverse health effects due to mercury. 

If we talk about the longevity of composite resins, they are quite durable, but like all dental restorations, they are not everlasting. However, with proper care and oral hygiene maintenance, you can expect your bonded restorations to last for 5-10 years, even longer with adequate care.  

Another factor that determines the lifespan of bonded fillings is the skill of the dentist and the quality of the material used. At Harrow Dental Practice, we take pride in having the most qualified and experienced dentists in town and state-of-the-art dental equipment. We also use high-quality materials that are long-lasting and have no adverse effects. So, what are you waiting for? Book a free virtual consultation with us today, and let us give you a beautiful and confident smile that you genuinely deserve. 

Hard Tissue Lasers In Dentistry – Common Questions Answered

Does the sound of a dental drill irritate you, or send chills down your spine? Would you rather bear the agony of a toothache than seek dental treatment? Would you prefer if there were simpler, less invasive approaches to provide dental treatment? If the answers to above questions is yes, there is good news for you. Thanks to laser dentistry, you don’t have to bear the irritating sound of a dental drill anymore. This blog discusses the various uses of hard tissues lasers in dentistry to provide less invasive and complication-free dental treatment. So, continue reading to learn more. 

What Is Laser Dentistry?

Laser dentistry refers to the use of lasers to treat various dental conditions. Although lasers became commercially available in dentistry in 1989, they were not commonly used until a few years ago. Lasers offer a less invasive option for performing various hard and soft tissue dental procedures. Dental lasers create a high-energy, focused beam that can be used to cut or reshape dental hard and soft tissues. 

What Is The Medical Application For A Laser In Dentistry?

The term LASER stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”. Although not approved by the American Dental Association, The US Food and Drug Administration has approved lasers for the treatment of various dental conditions:

  • Removing decayed tooth structure 
  • Treating dental hypersensitivity 
  • As an alternative to dental drill for reshaping or cutting bone tissue 
  • Treatment of gum disease and other soft tissue problems 
  • Soft tissue surgery 
  • To promote blood clotting and healing 
  • Teeth whitening
  • Cancer treatment 

How Big A Part Do Lasers Play In Dentistry?

Lasers were not commonly used in dentistry until a few years ago, when they were recognized as a safer, less invasive, and less painful option for performing dental procedures. The popularity and demand for lasers in dentistry is now increasing gradually. The day is not far when lasers will begin to play a pivotal role in dental treatment. 

Is Laser Safe For Dentistry?

Dental lasers are generally regarded as safe for oral use. However, it must be noted that dental lasers have not yet gained approval from the American Dental Association. However, the ADA is cautiously optimistic regarding its future use in restorative dentistry. On the other hand, the US FDA has approved dental lasers for different dental treatments. Another important aspect is the skill and experience of the dentist using dental lasers. Naturally, dentists must undergo additional training and certification before offering treatment with dental lasers. 

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Laser Dentistry?

Like every other dental technology, dental lasers have their merits and demerits:

Pros of Dental Lasers 

  • Safety 
  • Lesser soft and hard tissue damage resulting in less inflammation and quicker healing 
  • Promote blood clot formation and prevents post-operative tooth sensitivity
  • Suitable for patients with fear of the sound of the dental drill

Cons of Dental Lasers 

Can Laser Help Treat My Gum Disease?

Many dentists nowadays use dental lasers for treating gum disease and performing gum surgery. For example, your dentist will use a soft tissue laser to remove the inflamed gum tissues from below the gum line and around the roots. Once the inflamed tissues have been removed, your dentist will use an ultrasonic scaler to remove the plaque and tartar deposits. In case there is gingival enlargement due to inflammation, your dentist will also remove the excess tissue with lasers. Finally, lasers can also be used for clinical crown lengthening. 

How Has Laser Technology Changed The Dental Industry?

Lasers have entirely revolutionised the dental industry. Previously, many patients would simply avoid visiting their dentists or seeking treatment because they were afraid of the sound of the dental drill or could not bear to see the sight of blood. Thanks to dental lasers, many dental procedures such as tooth preparation for veneers, crowns, and bridges, tooth decay removal, and gum recontouring can be performed non-invasively. This is truly a blessing for patients with dental phobias. Besides, dental lasers also improve the clinical and esthetic outcomes of various dental procedures. For example, lasers can cut very precisely. So, the dentist can achieve excellent aesthetic results during tooth preparation or gum recontouring. 

Which Is The Best Dental Clinic For Laser Dentistry?

If you are considering dental lasers for your treatment, there are several factors you must consider. First, you should visit a practice that has a dental team that specialises in therapy with lasers. The treating dentist should have acquired additional certification or training in laser treatment. Besides, the prospective dental practice must have a proven track record of successfully treating their patients with dental lasers. Another factor to consider is the type of dental lasers available at the dental practice you are considering, as different lasers are used for other dental treatments. Finally, you should select a dental practice that is either close to your home or office, so that you don’t have to spend time and money on travelling to and fro. 

If you are looking for a dental practice offering laser dentistry services in Essex, look no more and visit Harrow Dental Practice. Our highly qualified and trained dental team guarantees effective and safe treatment with lasers in a comfortable and relaxing environment. So, download your free consultation voucher today and let us amaze you with the power of dental lasers. 

Composite Vs Porcelain Veneers – Your Comprehensive Guide

If you crooked, chipped, or permanently stained teeth, veneers are one of the most aesthetically pleasing, durable, and time-tested options. However, while searching for veneers over the internet, you might have come across terms such as “porcelain veneers” and “composite veneers”, and you might be wondering what is the difference between these two types of veneers. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of dental veneers, and to explain their different types. So. continue reading to find out everything you need to know about veneers. 

What Are Dental Veneers? What Are Its Types And Benefits?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a veneer is an ultra-thin shell of porcelain or composite resins. Veneers are attached to the front surfaces of the teeth and are used for masking tooth defects or to restore structural damage in teeth. Generally, there are two main types of veneers; porcelain and composite veneers. Both types of veneers are fabricated in the dental laboratory, and each has its own merits and demerits. 

How Do Dental Veneers Work?

A veneer works as a mask or covering for the teeth, and helps in hiding various cosmetic and structural tooth defects. Your dentist will remove a thin layer of the outer enamel of the damaged tooth. This is done to create space for bonding the veneers. The prepared veneers are then bonded to the tooth using adhesive. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Dental Veneers?

Veneers are an increasingly popular procedure for treating cosmetic dental issues. Some of the pros and cons of veneers include:

  • Pros of Dental Veneers
      1. Can be used for smile makeovers 
      2. Superior aesthetics than bonding 
      3. More durable than composite fillings – can last for up to 15 years
      4. Boost one’s self-confidence 
      5. Less expensive than crowns 
  • Cons of Veneers 
    1. Require sacrificing healthy tooth structure for their attachment 
    2. Stains on veneers cannot be removed through professional whitening 

Do Composite Veneers Ruin Your Teeth?

Composite veneers are made from the same material used for cosmetic bonding. After preparing the damaged teeth, your dentist will make impressions of your teeth and send them to the laboratory. The technician will then use composite resin to prepare the veneers. Although composite veneers are less durable and stain-resistant than porcelain veneers, it is not correct to say that they can ruin one’s teeth. Composite resins are safe for use in the oral cavity, and can even be repaired if they get cracked or partially chipped. 

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers have the same design as composite veneers. However, the only difference is that they are prepared using high-quality, tooth-coloured dental porcelains. Compared with composite veneers, porcelain veneers are more durable and last longer. 

Do Composite Veneers Look Natural?

In short, yes. Both porcelain and composite veneers are prepared from tooth-coloured materials. Dental technicians can precisely match the shade and colour of the composite veneers to that of your natural teeth. As a result, composite veneers blend in perfectly with the natural teeth and become virtually indistinguishable, giving a natural look. Composite veneers appear even more realistic than direct composite fillings. 

How Long Do Veneers Last Before They Need To Be Replaced?

The service life of veneers depends on various factors, such as their type and oral hygiene status. While composite veneers may last around 5 years, porcelain veneers are stronger and more durable. With proper oral hygiene care, you can expect your porcelain veneers to last for up to 15 years, even longer. To extend the service life of your veneers, you should avoid eating hard and sticky foods, as they may crack or dislodge them. 

How Are Veneers Made And Applied To Teeth?

The fabrication and attachment of veneers are usually carried out in 2 sittings. In the first appointment, your dentist will remove a thin layer of the outer tooth enamel to create room for the attachment of the veneers. This is known as tooth preparation. Don’t worry; tooth preparation will not make your teeth sensitive, as an ultra-thin layer of the natural tooth structure will be removed. After preparing the teeth, your dentist will make their impression and send it to the dental laboratory for fabrication. Your dentist will first try your prepared veneers on your teeth at the next appointment without bonding them. If the fit and aesthetics are found acceptable, they will bond the veneers to your teeth using an adhesive. Congratulations! You are now the owner of a brand-new, charming smile.  

What Should You Know Before Getting Veneers?

Dental veneers are an excellent option for treating cosmetic dental problems. However, it is always better to prefer porcelain veneers over composite-based veneers, as they are aesthetically more pleasing, durable, and more stain-resistant. At the same time, porcelain veneers are not suitable for individuals having a deep bite or those who have a habit of grinding teeth excessively. This is because porcelain is very hard, and when it contacts the opposing tooth, it may cause it to wear quickly – leading to complications such as teeth sensitivity and tooth decay. Your dentist will recommend a suitable veneer material after a careful clinical examination. 

Dental veneers are an excellent option if looking for a complete smile makeover. If you have cosmetic defects that prevent you from smiling or speaking in public, Harrow Dental Practice is the solution to your problems. Our experienced and qualified dentists can help you get rid of your cosmetic tooth defects, and enjoy a beautiful smile that you have always dreamed of. So, request a free virtual appointment today and take your first step towards a confident and charming smile. 

What To Expect With Teeth Whitening Services?

Pearly white teeth are essential for having an attractive and graceful smile. If years of heavy coffee, tea, or alcohol intake have led to staining of your teeth, there is no need to worry; cosmetic dentistry can help you get rid of your unaesthetic teeth stains, allowing you to get back your charming smile. So, what is teeth whitening, and how does it work? Read on to find out. 

Does Teeth Whitening Really Work?

Teeth whitening is a procedure in which a bleaching agent is applied to the teeth to chemically dissolve the surface stains. If you’re wondering whether teeth whitening works, then the answer is yes. However, the effectiveness of the teeth whitening procedure depends on the chemical formula of the bleaching agent. Dentists who perform professional teeth whitening use very potent yet safe bleaching agents that give excellent results in just one sitting. On the other hand, at-home whitening formulas contain mild bleaching agents. Therefore, they are not as effective in removing teeth stains as the professional ones. 

How Much Should A Teeth Whitening Procedure Cost?

The cost of teeth whitening depends on who performs the procedure. At-home whiting kits and gels are generally less expensive than professional whitening. However, at the same time, they are not as effective. On the other hand, it may cost you anywhere between £200-£450. But you can rest assured that the aesthetic outcome of your professional whitening will be worth the higher cost of treatment

Why Is Professional Teeth Whitening Important?

Professional teeth whitening is essential as it allows one to maintain a beautiful smile by getting rid of their teeth stains. Besides, professional teeth whitening is performed by qualified and experienced dentists who have undergone training to perform this procedure. Therefore, tooth bleaching performed by a dentist is always safer and more effective than those performed by themselves using at-home whitening kits. 

Is Teeth Whitening Permanent?

A single sitting of the teeth whitening procedure by a dentist can give remarkable results in terms of the elimination of teeth stains. Unfortunately, the results of teeth whitening are not permanent. With time, your teeth may get stained again, especially if you drink tea, coffee, or red wine. However, you can make sure that the teeth whitening procedure results last longer by ensuring optimal oral hygiene through regular brushing. When you brush and floss regularly, food particles will not remain adhered to your teeth and hence, will not cause tooth staining. Besides, you can also prevent staining of your teeth by avoiding strong-coloured foods and drinks. 

Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Teeth whitening procedure performed by a skilled dentist is entirely safe. This is because despite applying high-potency bleaching agents on your teeth, dentists are trained to prevent damage to your teeth, gums, cheeks, and lips. Besides, dentists also use protective agents like cocoa butter or Vaseline to prevent the accidental bleaching or burning of the oral soft tissues. Unfortunately, not all at-home whitening products are safe. This is because some whitening gels or whitening toothpaste manufacturers add very high concentrations of bleaching agents in the whitening formula, which can cause various complications like:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Tooth decay
  • Gum bleaching

How Do I Whiten My Teeth In 2 Months?

If you have a job interview or a wedding party coming up in two months, you have plenty of time to get back your pearly whites. If you are looking for quick teeth whitening results, professional teeth whitening may be the fastest and safest option. In most cases, patients feel a remarkable reduction in colour and shade after just one sitting. So, consult your dentist today to get your teeth whitened in less than two months. 

How Do I Get Zoom Whitening Services For My Teeth?

Zoom teeth whitening is a commercial whitening system that offers rapid results. This whitening system is provided in two types: at-home whitening and in-office whitening. The manufacturers of this whitening system claim a visible reduction in your tooth shade in just seven days when using their at-home formula. On the other hand, you can make your teeth up to 8 shades whiter in just 45 minutes with their in-office whitening procedure. To get your teeth whitened with Zoom, you can ask your nearby dentist to get a customised teeth whiting plan based on your individual preferences. 

Is Laser Teeth Whitening The Same As Bleaching Your Teeth?

Technically, both procedures are characterised as teeth whitening. However, the so-called laser whitening involves using light to activate the bleaching agent in the whitening formula, usually carbamide peroxide. When activated, carbamide peroxide breaks into hydrogen peroxide which penetrates beneath the tooth surface and chemically removes the teeth stains. Light-activated or laser whitening generally offers superior aesthetic results in a shorter duration. 

Will Smoking After Teeth Whitening Stain Teeth?

Smoking or chewing tobacco is one of the common causes of tooth staining. That is why dentists advise against smoking or drinking alcohol after getting your teeth whitened, as it will only accelerate the staining process. 

Teeth whitening done by a skilled cosmetic dentist can do wonders to your smile and personality! So, if you’re looking for a high-class cosmetic dental practice in Hornchurch, look no more! Harrow Dental Practice Essex provides all cosmetic and general dental services at affordable rates under one roof. So, book an appointment today and take your first step towards a sparkling and bright smile.

How To Get That Straight Teeth Smile?

A beautiful smile is an immensely valuable social asset. Some people are born with naturally beautiful, dazzling smiles, while others are not that lucky. One of the most common reasons for having a flawed smile is poor tooth alignment. If you are also concerned about your misaligned or crooked teeth ruining your smile and personality, there is no need to worry. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, no matter how flawed your smile is, it can be fixed. Continue reading to find out how you can get that straight-teeth, Hollywood smile with orthodontic treatment. 

How To Get Straighter Teeth?

When it comes to getting your teeth straightened, there are several options available. Broadly speaking, there are two main options: cosmetic dentistry and orthodontic treatment. If you have minor orthodontic problems like spacing or overlapping teeth, your dentist may fix it with veneers or crowns. However, for more severe issues, your dentist will eliminate the underlying issue with traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners for more severe issues. Depending on the severity of your problem, your dentist will advise a teeth straightening option that best suits your needs. 

Are Dental Braces’ Sole Purpose To Straighten Teeth?

Short answer, no. As discussed earlier, you can either get your misaligned teeth cosmetically fixed with veneers and crowns or fix them orthodontically with braces or removable aligners. If you cannot wait for the completion of your orthodontic treatment – which may take anywhere between 8-24 months – or if you cannot afford orthodontic treatment, you may opt for cosmetic teeth straightening. When it comes to orthodontic treatment options, the removable aligners are generally reserved for mild to moderate problems, while braces effectively treat more severe bite problems. 

What Are The Benefits Of Having Perfectly Straight Teeth?

Apart from the most obvious benefit of enjoying a beautiful and attractive smile, there are several other benefits of having straight teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontists, straight teeth offer the following health benefits:

  • Easy teeth cleaning – lower risk of gum problems and teeth cavities 
  • Lower risk of temporomandibular joint problems, headaches and migraines – due to decreased pressure on the jaw joints
  • Lower risk of tooth wear and sensitivity 
  • Improvement in sleep pattern

A poor bite is a reason behind some of the most common dental problems. Even if you have a single misaligned tooth, it will prevent your other teeth from mating optimally, thereby causing various dental problems that may ultimately result in tooth fracture. Hence, getting your teeth straightened as soon as possible to avoid complications later in life is recommended. 

Should Crooked Teeth Be Straightened?

The biggest problem with crooked teeth is that they can ruin your smile, especially if they are the front teeth. Besides, if your teeth are not aligned properly, you will have difficulty cleaning them properly, putting you at a higher risk of developing gum problems due to plaque and tartar deposition. Furthermore, an improper bite can lead to a host of problems that may ultimately result in tooth loss. 

Why Is It Necessary To Straighten Your Teeth Alignment?

Getting your teeth straightened is important for your smile and your dental health, and general well-being. As discussed earlier, misaligned or crowded are difficult to clean properly. The resultant gum problems not only affect one’s oral health, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO), it can also affect overall general health. Research has shown that the bacteria inside the inflamed gums can travel to other body organs and may cause serious, even life-threatening medical complications like heart attack, stroke, and preterm births. 

Do Clear Aligners Really Work To Straighten Teeth?

Clear aligners are removable appliances, just like retainers that are worn over the teeth. These removable aligners are designed so that each aligner set will gradually move your teeth in the desired direction. Your dentist will ask you to wear each aligner set – one for upper and lower teeth each – for about 14 days. Afterwards, you should switch to the next set of aligners. In this way, the removable aligners will continue to move your teeth and align them optimally. 

What Are The Teeth Straightening Options For Adults?

Today, there is no restriction to using any orthodontic treatment options for elders. In fact, using a specific orthodontic treatment option is more of a preference than a treatment requirement. Both fixed braces or Invisalign aligners can be used for treating orthodontic problems in adults. You should consult with your dentist regarding an orthodontic treatment option that best suits your dental health needs. 

Is It Possible To Get Perfect Teeth Without Braces?

The ideal treatment for straightening misaligned teeth is orthodontic treatment. However, if you cannot wait for 12-18 months for your orthodontic treatment to complete or cannot afford orthodontic treatment, your dentist may fix your teeth alignment problems cosmetically. There are several cosmetic options available for straightening teeth:

Your dentist will guide you on whether you are a suitable candidate for getting straighter teeth with cosmetic dentistry. 

Did you know that your smile is the first thing people notice about you? So, if you want to make a great first impression on people you meet for the first time, you must have perfectly aligned and pearly white teeth that beautify your smile if you don’t have straight teeth, no need to worry. If you live in or around Hornchurch, Harrow Dental Centre can help you. We take pride in having a qualified and experienced dental team that strives to provide high-quality dental services to our patients in a comforting and relaxing environment. So, book a free orthodontic consultation today and let us give you a set of pearly white teeth and a beautiful smile.