How To Fix A Chipped Front Tooth?

A chipped front tooth is not just an aesthetic problem, it can also cause difficulty in eating and speech. People with chipped or stained front teeth often avoid speaking or smiling in public as they feel shy and under-confident. If your chipped front teeth prevent you from smiling publically, here’s your chance to enjoy your dream smile. This article discusses all the treatment options for fixing chipped teeth. So, don’t forget to read till the end. 

I Chipped My Front Tooth, Do I Need To Fix It?

The most important issue with a front chipped tooth is the compromised facial aesthetics. Not only this but one’s speech and chewing efficiency may also be compromised. So, it is best to get one’s chipped tooth fixed without delay. Your dentist will assess the extent of the damage and prepare a treatment plan based on it. 

Is A Cracked Tooth A Dental Emergency?

A cracked or chipped may turn into a dental emergency when the crack extends into the pulp tissue of the tooth. The pulp is rich in nerves and blood vessels and if it gets exposed due to crack, it can result in severe pain creating a medical emergency. Moreover, the exposed pulp tissue may get inflamed over time resulting in severe infection requiring root canal treatment. 

What Are My Options For Repairing A Badly Chipped Front Tooth?

There are several options available to repair a badly chipped front tooth. The simplest option is to repair the damaged tooth portion with composite bonding. Alternatively, a porcelain or composite veneer can be placed over the tooth to mask the aesthetic defect. Finally, if the damage is extensive, your dentist may consider placing a crown over the tooth. The crown will not only restore the aesthetics but also reinforce the tooth. 

Is It Possible To Regrow A Broken Permanent Front Tooth?

It is not possible to grow back a permanent front tooth once it gets damaged. So, the only option to restore the aesthetics and structure of a broken tooth is to place a filling over it or restore it using a veneer or crown. 

Can Fractured Teeth Be Saved?

It is possible to save fractured teeth. However, it depends on the extent of the fracture. Even if the crack results in the exposure of the underlying pulp, the tooth can still be saved with a root canal procedure. However, according to the American Association of Endodontists, a tooth cannot be saved if the crack extends below the gumline. Your dentist will perform a detailed clinical examination and look at the X-ray images of the affected tooth to assess the extent of the damage. 

Is It Possible To Fix A Chipped Tooth Without Getting A Crown?

It is not necessary to restore all cracked teeth using dental crowns. Instead, your dentist will consider a crown when the damage is extensive and the restored tooth needs reinforcement. Dental crowns are typically required in the back teeth that have undergone a root canal procedure following a fracture. Teeth tend to become brittle after root canal treatment and are more prone to fracture. Your dentist will place a crown over such teeth to prevent 

Does A Root Canal Fix A Fractured Tooth?

A root canal procedure is not a treatment for a fracture. Instead, a root canal is performed when a tooth fracture exposes the underlying pulp tissue. According to the Oral Health Foundation, a root canal procedure involves removing the inflamed pulp tissue from inside the tooth and replacing it with an inert material. So, a root canal does not fix a fractured tooth. Instead, it is performed to treat pulp inflammation caused by the fracture. 

Can I Get A Chipped Tooth Fixed While Having Braces?

It is possible to repair a chipped tooth even if it has an orthodontic bracket on it. If the fracture is below the surface where the bracket is bonded, the process is straightforward. Your dentist will simply repair the damaged tooth structure with composite bonding.

On the other hand, if the damage extends into the region where the bracket is bonded to the tooth, your dentist may have to remove the bracket first. Afterwards, they will restore the damaged tooth portion, followed by bonding the bracket to the tooth. 

Is Getting Your Teeth Fixed Worth It?

Regardless of the type of damage, getting one’s teeth fixed is always beneficial. First, tooth restoration results in optimal facial aesthetics and improvement in one’s self-confidence. Secondly, restored teeth have superior chewing efficiency than chipped or fractured ones. Finally, damaged teeth may make optimal cleaning difficult, leading to complications such as tooth decay and gum disease. Restoring damaged teeth also helps prevent these complications. 

How Do Dentists Fill A Tooth Chip?

Dentists have various treatment options available to fix chipped teeth. The simplest and most commonly used treatment option is composite bonding. If superior aesthetics are required, your dentist may consider restoring the damaged tooth using porcelain or composite veneers. Similarly, if there is extensive damage due to chipping, your dentist will reinforce the tooth with a crown after restoring it with composite bonding. 

Are you looking for the best dentist in Essex for restoring chipped or grossly damaged teeth? Look no further. Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre is the best place to go for all your general dentistry and cosmetic dental needs. No matter how complex your cosmetic dental issue is, our dental team will have a solution for it. So, click here to make an inquiry and let us take it from there.