How Long Do Dental Implants Last? Factors To Consider

Tooth loss is becoming a growing concern in the UK. According to the Oral Health Foundation, over 71% of British adults have at least one tooth missing. Similarly, the Adult Oral Health Survey 2021 showed that almost 5% of the people in the UK have lost all their teeth. Unfortunately, even a single missing tooth can cause various oral and physical health complications, besides affecting one’s smile and facial aesthetics. If you have also lost one or more natural teeth, dental implants are the best tooth replacement option. 

But what are dental implants and how long do they last? You may ask! Don’t worry, we will provide answers to all your dental implant-related questions in this blog. So, continue reading to learn everything you need to know about implants for teeth. 

What are Dental Implants?

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, an implant is a screw-shaped titanium fixture placed into the jawbone. Dental implants serve as artificial roots and anchor themselves firmly in the jawbone to provide a strong foundation for the false teeth attached to it. Since dental implants are placed in the jaws just like natural teeth, they are considerably more durable and functionally efficient than other tooth replacement options such as bridges or dentures. 

How Long Do Dental Implants Take To Heal?

When considering dental implants for tooth replacement, you might be wondering about the time required for healing after implant surgery. The answer is that your dentist will perform the tooth implant surgery in two or more stages. In the first stage, they will surgically insert the implant within the jawbone. Afterwards, the surgical site will be left untouched for 4 – 6 months to ensure that healthy bone forms around the implant. So, only after about 6 months of implant placement will your dentist load it with a suitable prosthesis for tooth replacement.

What Is The Lifespan Of A Well-Treated Dental Implant?

Dental implants are by far the most durable option for replacing missing teeth. According to the Oral Health Foundation, well-looked-after and well-treated dental implants can last a lifetime. On the other hand, the risk of implant failure is significantly higher when they are placed by novice dentists. So, if you want to maximise the lifetime of your implants, you should go to an experienced and qualified dentist. 

How Many Days Does It Take To Implant A Tooth?

The surgical process of placing an implant into the jawbone, also called implantation, can be completed in a single sitting. However, it may take up to 6 months for the implant surgical site to heal properly and promote sufficient bone formation around it. So, placing an implant does not take long, but your dentist will wait for a few months before they will load it with a suitable prosthesis. 

Are Dental Implants Safe For My Long-Term Oral Health?

Dental implants have become the most sought-after tooth replacement option in the UK. This is because of their excellent durability, the ability to restore one’s facial aesthetics, and more importantly, their biocompatibility. Dental implants are made of titanium alloys, making them suitable for implantation in the oral cavity without the risk of adverse effects or an allergic reaction. So, if you’re looking for the safest tooth replacement option, you should consider dental implants. 

Do All-On-4 Dental Implants Last Forever?

An all-on-four implant is a prosthesis used for replacing all missing teeth in a jaw using tooth implants. It consists of four implants placed in each jaw that support a complete fixed bridge. Since the all-on-4 prosthesis is supported by dental implants, it provides excellent stability and is significantly more durable than the other tooth replacement options such as dentures and bridges. With proper care, you can expect your all-on-4 implant-supported teeth to last a lifetime. 

What Happens If You Don’t Get Dental Implants?

Not everyone needs a tooth implant. They are needed for only those individuals who have lost one or more teeth. However, if you don’t get an implant even if you have missing teeth, it can lead to various complications. First, bone tissue around the missing tooth starts to degrade, making the jawbone brittle and fracture-prone. Secondly, this bone degradation can also cause significant facial structural and aesthetic changes. Finally, it becomes challenging to eat and speak properly when one has one or more missing teeth. So, it is advisable to replace one’s missing teeth as soon as possible. 

What Should I Do If I Get An Infection After Dental Implants?

An infection around an implant is called peri-implantitis. This condition typically occurs when a dentist hasn’t ensured optimal infection control or if they have applied too much during implant placement. If you feel that you have an infection around the implant site – which is characterised by pain and swelling – you should consult your dentist immediately. 

Do I Have To Get My Implants Replaced After 10 Years?

It is not necessary to have your tooth implants replaced after 10 years. In fact, most dental implants last for a lifetime if they are looked after properly. You can consider tooth implants as the next best thing to natural teeth. 

Why Would You Need A Dental Implant?

When considering tooth implants, it is advisable to seek the services of a specialist implant dentist. Why? Because implant dentists have obtained additional training and qualifications in replacing missing teeth with implants. This means that they are better equipped to perform implant procedures with minimal risk of adverse effects or complications. 

If you are looking for the best implant dentist practice in Essex London, Harrow Dental Practice and Dental Implant Centre is your best option. We take pride in having one of the best dental professionals and equipment in town, to ensure that you get the most out of your implant treatment. Click here to make an enquiry regarding tooth implants and let us take care of all your dental needs.